Spicy Lebanese potatoes (batata harra)

Batata harra is a delicious Lebanese appetizer. It consists of potatoes, coriander, garlic, lemon juice, and spices which are all fried together in olive oil.

 1 cup Chopped coriander
 4 tbsp Olive oil
 4 Cloves garlic
 2 tbsp Lemon juice
 ½ tsp Salt
 4 Potatoes
 4 tbsp Vegetable oil
 ½ tsp Coriander powder
 ½ tsp White pepper
 ½ tsp Paprika
 ½ tsp Oregano


Wash the potatoes well, peel and slice them into medium cubes.


Put an abundant amount of vegetable oil in a saucepan and simmer over medium heat until it is hot.


Put the potato cubes in the pot and fry until crisp, lift them from the oil then set aside.


In another pan, add olive oil and ground garlic and simmer on medium heat just for a couple of minutes. The garlic should not be fully cooked.


Add the chopped coriander to the garlic and saute/mix them well for a minute or two.


Add salt, white pepper, coriander powder and paprika and stir well.


Add the fried potaoes over the garlic and coriander mixture and leave on medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.


After 5 minutes add lemon juice and stir well.


Sprinkle the oregano on the top and serve.