Rice with spiced meat

This spicy meat and rice dish is simple, quick, tasty and packed with flavors. A typical side dish found at Arabic dinner tables.

 3.25 lbs of beef or lamb, cut into cubes
 2 medium onions, chopped
 4 garlic cloves, crushed
 3 medium tomatoes, peeled and chopped
 125 ml Spicy Tomato Sauce
 3-4 cups water
 1 tablespoon meat spices
 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
 1/2 cup cream
 3 cups basmati rice, boiled
 1/2 teaspoon saffron
 2 tablespoons rose water


In a large cooking pot over high heat, stir the meat pieces until the water dries. Add onions and garlic and stir the ingredients together until the meat pieces become brown.


Add the chopped tomatoes, spicy tomato sauce, water and spices. Cover the pot, and leave it on low heat 40-45 minutes. Add salt, pepper and cream.


Soak the saffron in rose water for about 10 minutes. Divide the rice into two halves, pour the saffron mixture over a portion of rice and stir it to become orange.


Grease a cake mold, put the orange rice in the mold and press it well to stick. Put the cooked meat mixture on top. Put the white rice over the meat and press well. Turn the mold over on a serving plate, serve hot.