Lotus Basbousa

Enjoy the delicious taste of lotus basbousa with your family and your guests, and learn how to make the best and most delicious desserts in an easy way

Lotus cream:
 1 cup brown sugar
 10 biscuit pieces ((lotus / finely ground)
 1 cup whipping cream
Other ingredients:
 3 cups biscuit (lotus / finely ground)
 1 cup fine sugar
 1 cup powdered milk
 6 eggs
 1 cup coconut
 2 cans cream
 1 1/2 cups oil
 2 tbsp baking powder
 1 1/2 tsp vanilla
 biscuit: to taste (lotus / finely ground / for garnish)


Bring a bowl and add lotus biscuit, cream, semolina, milk, sugar, eggs, oil, coconut, vanilla, baking powder, and stir well.


Grease the oven tray with butter, then pour the lotus basbousa mixture into it.


Put the lotus basbousa in a preheated oven at 356 F (180 ° C) for 20 minutes.


Take out the lotus basbousa from the oven and leave it until it cools completely.


Mix the ingredients of the lotus cream and then distribute it over the basbousa.


Garnish the lotus basbousa with crushed lotus biscuit.